services: BRANDING
AÑO: 2023
PayCompany goes beyond being a simple payment platform. It has made technology its means to create its path as an integral banking institution. In addition, it makes the future much closer, as one of its great services is to allow its customers to launch their own card products.

How was our story created?
PayCompany found the opportunity to position itself to demonstrate its expertise in the sector, without leaving aside the innovative solutions with which it works every day.
Thus, we began to develop a memorable brand identity that would differentiate it from its competitors, prioritizing the presentation of a central platform concept: agile, secure and modern.
What were the results?
We developed to capture its dynamic and ambitious character through rounded typography and geometric shapes, connecting them with our own solutions. Following the line of a minimalist and contemporary image, we opted for an elegant and bold color palette, with shades of blue and green that stand out. The primary colors, called PayBlue, instill sobriety and solidity, while the touch of Turquoise Surf or French Lime adds a striking contrast. As a result, the design harmoniously blends contemporary elements.
This new brand identity has allowed Pay Company to stand out in the financial sector, establishing strong connections with other companies and reaffirming its position as a leader in payment technology.