“The Yard,” an innovative U.S.-based coworking space, embarked on an ambitious project to revitalize its brand image, enhance its online presence through a new website and create engaging content to highlight its unique values and services.
#02. Challenges:
Outdated branding: The Yard’s existing branding lacked modernity and did not reflect the innovative essence of the coworking space.
Old and non-intuitive website: The old website had usability and design issues, affecting the user experience and hindering the effective communication of The Yard’s value proposition.
Insufficient and outdated content: The lack of fresh and relevant content on The Yard’s digital channels limited its ability to attract new members and highlight its facilities and services.
#03. the result
Branding refresh:
Designing a fresh and vibrant color palette that conveys energy and creativity. Creation of a cohesive set of visual elements to ensure consistency across all platforms.
Redesigned website:
Collaboration with web design experts to develop an intuitive, easy-to-navigate interface. Incorporation of engaging visual elements, such as high-quality photographs of facilities and member testimonials. Integration of functionalities that make it easy to reserve spaces and obtain information on services offered.
Creation of dynamic content:
Production of videos and artwork highlighting events, special programs and the community at The Yard.
The branding, website and content refresh project for The Yard has revitalized the brand, improved the user experience and strengthened the digital connection with the coworking community. This strategic approach has positioned The Yard as a modern, vibrant and welcoming space for professionals and entrepreneurs in the United States.